Monday, September 8, 2008

Why Sarah Palin scares me way more that McCain ever could on his own; or- Jesus, send us a pipeline!

Maybe my son was right-maybe I have nothing to blog about. I prefer to think that I am simply too busy to keep this up to date.
At any rate, I now have something to say--that woman must be stopped!

1. She seems to genuinely believe that we can drill our way out of our current mess. Perhaps she's satisfied with a "solution" that leaves the problem to be dealt with by future generations, but shouldn't we at least try for better than that?

2. She promotes "abstinence only" education. Please.

3. She doesn't think global warming is, a) a big deal or, b) caused by human activity.

4. She believes that the Iraq war is ordained by God. She has every right to believe this, I have every right to consider her a loon for doing so. God wants young people to die for oil? Sorry, there's just no way I can make this make sense.

We'll talk more about this later.

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