Tuesday, September 30, 2008

National Alpaca Weekend

Another National Alpaca Weekend has come and gone, and as usual I didn't get my cards out in time. Seriously, though, I spent my Sunday afternoon visiting alpaca farms with my daughter. We saw four farms, and could easily have visited twice that many if we had gotten an earlier start, which I'm sure Kat will never let me forget.
It was a beautiful day, and I was happy just to have an excuse to drive around in it- fall, glorious fall. Kat loved seeing the critters, the items made from the critters' fleece, and did some networking, so she may be spending her next interim on an alpaca farm.
One of the crias (baby alpacas) was fascinated with my boot, and kept sniffing at it and trying to nibble on it. I don't know what the attraction was, and certainly none of the others were impressed, but Snickers couldn't stay away. We also saw an alpaca named Houdini do an agility course, and entered a contest to name a new cria.
And, best of all, I wasn't at work.

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