Sunday, October 26, 2008

It wasn't exactly national alpaca weekend, but we had fun

It's been ages and ages, so I thought I'd do an actual entry, something besides a video. I mean, okay, I was really proud of working out the video thing, but it's time to move on. So this is what I did this weekend.

Saturday, I took Kat, Franklin and Gregory to the All American Quarter Horse Congress at the state fair grounds. No, that's not really accurate. I took Kat, and dragged the two boys along. Or maybe Kat dragged me and the two boys. (But I digress) (as always.) We saw lots of horses, and lots of mud. And paid waaay too much for a cup of horribly greasy, really delicious french fries. And we spent more time than I would have thought possible looking at horse trailers, and combination horse trailer/RVs. My sons, who will act like they are being actively tortured if you try to get them to shop for shoes or jeans, had to look at every trailer we passed, inside and out. They debated the merits of different models. We don't own a horse, can't really imagine that we ever will, but if we ever do, the kids will know what kind of trailer they want.

Today we had a hay ride/bon fire/Taize at our church's retreat center. I'd never been there before and wasn't at all enthusiastic about going today, but I sort of felt stuck. And I had a great time, and it was a beautiful day, and now I'm trying to think of other events we might hold out there. And no, this probably won't result in my being more open about doing things I don't want to do, will have no effect whatsoever on the amount if whining I do, 'cause I'm that much of a brat. But today was really fun.

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