Sunday, November 2, 2008

Another weekend goes by

I've got about 3500 words down in my "novel." It's complete drivel, absolutely unreadable, but so far it's fun. I had to start a new file yesterday because after about 1800 words I managed to hit some button or something, and now the formatting is all bizarre and I can't figure out how to fix it. Those first few pages are simmering in digital land while I try to figure out how to add them to what I've done today. Wish me luck. I don't know what I'll do if I have to just toss yesterday's stuff. Not because it was any good, mind you, but just because I doubt I can spare 1800 words.
No matter what I do, Kat is able to stay about 1000 words ahead of me, but maybe I'll be able to catch up while she's in school tomorrow. She'll undoubtedly pull far ahead Tuesday, since the kids don't have school, but it would be fun to be ahead of her just once, however briefly.
Today we started to diagram out where we would like to put the garden beds for next year. It's interesting because there is not a level spot anywhere in our yard. It sort of looks level, until you actually try to do anything with the yard.
What we have so far pretty much just looks random, and I'm ok with that, sinces that's pretty much the theme of my life.
Gregory has been in rare form this weekend. I may yet end up dumping him out along a freeway somewhere. It may have been all the candy. It would probably be best if I just ate the rest, you know, for the good of the kids.
I found a link for the poster I had mentioned a few weeks ago, I don't know why I couldn't find it before, it came up right away today. Anyway, I really like it, so have a peek if you're interested.
And remember, whatever happens on Tuesday (Obama will win,) the ads and phone calls will end.


Emilia said...

Are you guys doing NaNoWriMo?!

Your selflessness is inspiring, by the way, and I may have to emulate you entirely with my own kid's loot.

joan said...

Kat gets class credit if she finishes, and she's a writer anyway. I'm only in because she goaded me, much like how the blog got started. I've got to develop some resistance.
I bet the candy will help with that.